Tillit till Allah


Tawakkul refers to putting your trust in Allah – to believe that He alone can ward off the harms of this world, provide you blessings and sustenance, and to ease your challenges. Tawakkul is also about accepting the results that He decides regardless of how they may turn out to be.

To understand the concept of Tawakkul, consider how tense and worried you get at times about the challenges of this worldly life. Whether it’s you worrying about losing your job or sustenance, or general life problems that you may come to face, Tawakkul is your belief and the attitude that you have about putting your trust in Allah to take care of all your affairs.

Allah (swt ), says:

And whoever places his trust in Allah, Sufficient is He for him, for Allah will surely accomplish His Purpose: For verily, Allah has appointed for all things a due proportion. (Qur’an 65:3)

The Quran makes it clear that Tawakkul is not an option but rather a requirement. Allah (may He be Exalted) says:


“…and put your trust in Allâh if you are believers indeed. (Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5: 23)

He also says in the Quran:

“….And in Allah let believers put their Trust” [Surah Ibrahim 14:11]


Don’t give up on Your Efforts

Tawakkul shouldn’t be mistaken with giving up your efforts thinking that somehow your challenges will get resolved. Rather striving and working with the attitude that Allah will take care of your affairs and will help you in getting through your trials is part of you having the Tawakkul on Allah.

Some scholars have stated that “Tawakkul in reality does not deny actually working and striving for provision, for Allah Almighty has decreed that we should work and it is from His ways that he gives people when they strive. In fact, Allah Almighty ordered us to both depend upon Him and to work, to take the necessary steps needed to achieve our goals, and so the act of striving for our sustenance is an act of physical worship while trusting and depending upon Allah is faith in Him.” (Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts (Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7, Pages 172-174)

Allah says:

“…So seek provision from Allah and worship Him (alone).” [Al-‘Ankaboot 29: 17]

Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan stated about this verse, “Look for sustenance and do not sit around in the masaajid claiming that you are putting your trust in Allah. Do not sit in your homes and claim that your daily sustenance will come to you.” This is wrong and a true believer doesn’t say such things.” (Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan Haqeeqat-ut-Tawakkul (pg. 15-25))

This obviously applies to not just seeking provisions but in striving to resolve other matters of our lives – just as long we remember and believe that His will is a prerequisite for our matters to get resolved and to accept what He ultimately decrees.

The scholars have also stated that, “other than our efforts that we put in, a Muslim should also combine Tawakkul with other means, whether they are acts of `Ibadah (worship) like Du`a’ (supplication), Salah (Prayer), Sadaqah (voluntary charity) or maintaining the ties of kinship, or other material means which Allah has predestined.” (source : alifta.net Fatwa no. 2798)

Allah (swt ), also says in the Quran:

[There were] those to whom people said: The people are gathering against you, so fear them. But it only increased their faith; they said: For us Allah is Sufficient and He is the best Disposer of affairs” (Qur’an 3:173)


Benefits of Tawakkul

One of the major benefits of Tawakkul is that it can relieve us from unnecessary anxiety, worry, and resulting depression from the challenges that we may be facing. By believing that all our affairs are in Allah’s hands and we can do only what is in our control, we leave the results to Allah and accept His decree whatever it may be. Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali said, “the fruit of tawakkul is the acceptance of Allah’s decree. Whoever leaves his affairs to Allah and then is accepting of what he is given has truly relied on Allah. Al-Hassan and others among the salaf defined tawakkul as ridhaa (acceptance).” (Jami’ Al-’Uloom wa Al-Hikam : A Commentary on 50 Major Hadith)

Let’s strive to understand the concept of Tawakkul and to make it part of our belief systems. We will notice that things will not only get resolved easier with His help, but Tawakkul will also relieve us from the day to day anxieties and worries associated with the challenges of this life


Hur man ska balansera att vara svensk och sammtidigt vara konvertit är något jag tror vi alla kämpar med subhanAllah.
Det kan vara svår då man vill vara god i sin tro men samtidigt vilja att familjen är nöjd, självklart ska religionen gå först ALLTID men det kan vara svårt när familjen kommer med negativa kommentarer hela tiden,,,
Min mamma är en person som är passivt agresiv och kan ge spydiga kommentarer från ingenstans och de tär mycket på mitt psyke tyvärr.
Ett av många exempel är nu när jag kom upp i veckan, vi hälsa, kramades och prata glatt med varrann men från ingenstans så sa hon "men herregud vad är det du har på dig" och tog tag i min kjol. Jag täcker mig och när jag gör det känner jag mig bekväm och säker i mig själv. Att tänka på att gå i kläder jag hade förut, ja då känner jag mig inget annat än NAKEN. Så många gånger hon klagar på min klädsel och hur jag ser ut, att jag ska visa mer hud och ta av mig lite, jag blir ledsen.

men även då så är det INGET jag kommer ändra på, för att jag tycker inte det är islamiskt rätt.
Att göra Allah nöjd är nr1.
Saker jag dock kan böja mig lite på är jul, INTE julfirandet men att umgås med min familj.
JAG pyntar INTE hemma, köper INTE julklappar och skickar INTE julkort och undviker att säga God Jul till folk så mycket som jag kan.
De få gånger hela min släkt samlas är just vid jul och det är ett tillfälle jag inte vill missa då jag vill se alla. De får göra sitt och jag hänger bara med bara för att de dricker och äter gris m.m. så betyder de inte att jag måste och för att de ger julklappar så betyder inte det att jag måste utan jag säger i förväg att jag kommer INTE köpa något och köp inget till mig tack.

Att tänka på

Ta hand om varandra!

På grund av händelser som hänt i veckan så vill jag ta upp detta med att ta hand om ens systrar och vad man borde göra för de vi älskar för Allahs skull
  • Att älska sina systrar för Allahs skull
Detta är en kärlek utan koppling till några världsliga intressen eller baktankar . Sann systerlig kärlek är en relation vars renhet är härledd från ljuset av islamisk vägledning (Dr. Mohammad A. al- Hashimi ) . Det är en länk som länkar en muslim till sin syster , oavsett geografiskt ursprung , etnicitet , hudfärg , hårfärg , ögonfärg , eller språk . ( Det är ) en obligation baserad på tro på Allah ( swt ) som är större än alla våra små futtiga divisioner.
“The Believers are but a single brotherhood….” [Al-Hujuraat 49:10]
  • Hon är snäll, trogen och likvärdig.

Vikten av att vara godhjärtad nämns i Koranen hundratals gånger!
  • Hon möter sina vänner med värme, vänlighet och ett leende.

I Muslim står det att våran kära profet saw sa: “Do not think little of any good deed, even if it is just greeting your brother with a cheerful countenance."
Det är vetenskapligt bevishet att om man ler så stimulerars vissa kemikalier i kroppen (endorfiner) som i sin tur höjer ens välmående.

“Your smiling at your brother is an act of charity (sadaqah)” [reported by at-Tirmidhi who said it is hasan gharib)


  • Hon är uppriktig
Uppriktighet är en av de mest grundliga principerna av islam och en central del av tron. Utan uppriktighet så är en systers tro inte giltig och hennes islam är värdelös.
Också, våran kära Profet (fred vare med Honom) sa: “None of you truly believes until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself” [Agreed upon] It is impossible to do this without sincerity.
  • Hon är tolerant och förlåtande emot sina systrar

Ibland så verkar det som att det är enkelt att bli arg på våra systrar i islam om i stort sett allt. Men en äkta muslim sväljer sin ilska och är snabb på att förlåta sin syster, samt ser ingen skam i att göra så.
Istället ser hon det som en god gärning som kan få henne komma närmare till Allah.

“…[those] who restrain anger and pardon (all) men – for Allah loves those who do good.” [Al-‘Imran 3:134]

  • Hon skvallrar inte och går inte bakom ryggen på någon.

Den troende kvinnan skvallrar inte och går inte bakom ryggen på någon. Hon vet att det är Haram.

“…. Nor speak ill of each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, you would abhor it. But fear Allah: for Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.” [al-Hujuraat 49:12]

Den troende kvinnan håller tungan i styr och talar bara gott om hennes systrar och kommer ihåg orden från profeten saw

Att ha två ansikten är också en sida av detta. Och faktiskt är en tvåsidig person sedd som en av de värsta personerna i Allahs syn. Våran kära profet saw sa: “You will find among the worst people in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection, the one who is two-faced, who approaches some people in one way and others in another.” [al-Bukhari & Muslim]

  • Hon ber för sina systrar i deras frånvaro
En godtrogen Muslimah som verkligen gillar för henner systrar de hon gillar för sig glömmer inte att be för sina systrar i deras frånvaro. Detta e en praktisk demonstration av systerlig kärlek och omsorg.

Det är dokumenterat av al-Bukhari i al-Adab al-Mufrad att “The quickest prayer to be answered is a man’s supplication for his brother in his absence.”



Assalmu Alekom allihoppa!
jag har haft lite bloggtorka på sistonde, vet inte riktigt vad jag ska skriva om men inshaAllah så kommer hjärnan igång snart igen!

Jag åker till familjen nu ett tag men inshaAllah så kan jag blogga ändå medans jag är där :)

vi hörs så länge!

Today Is a New Day...


Look, i know that being consistent on your salah is but a struggle, because like you, i face that too.

'O my dear Indeed, it is a struggle, but more than a struggle, it is an honor which is given only to us, Muslims. Subhan'Allaah.

Imagine, amongst the millions of His Creations, He handpicked you of becoming Muslim, of Honoring you of such Blessing from Him, yet do you recognize and heartily accept this Honor? do you even give it a little importance in your lfe?

If you truly accept this, like how it is popping to your mind now, then ask yourself, how do i easily react at such question yet not easily react to this Honor? Then have a moment of silence….then ask yourself again, why do i not pray?

Here i will not quote such beautiful words from our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassalaam, because nowadays, we just hear and forget, read and not reflect, such beautiful wisdom and sayings from the beloved Lips of the Most Beloved One to Allaah Azza Wa Jall, we just hear it, like it enters the right ear then exits on the left. Astagfirullah.

My dear brother and sister in Islam, have you ever felt that sweetness and strength you get after you have “sincerely” offered the Fajr Salah? When you yourself know that you have answered His Call? Do you for a second think that when you have answered His Call, your du’as will not be answered?

But have you also ever felt that heaviness in your heart each time you have missed a salah? That feeling as if you have hurt someone you love so much that no explanation can be given but just ask for forgiveness?

Have you ever been placed in such a situation that there seems no way out & everything seems so impossible? Such situations like failures upon failures, death of a beloved, calamities, lost of wealth, deteriorating health? My dear, can’t you see that at the very end of all these trials it is to Him that you plead to? And it is Him that makes your life at ease?

Or have you been placed in such a situation that every luxury item in this world is brought to you, yet you do not find happiness in your heart? That this gluttonous heart of yours had taken for granted that importance of family, companionship and have caused you to go up in the social industry but drown in your own private life, then who do you plead to for ease and comfort? Is it not to Allaah Azza Wa Jall?

The problem is, you only find Him at times of trials, tribulations, failures all the negative things that happened & happens to your life. Yet you forget about Him in times when success are piling up in your life, that luxury and fame are just a step away? WHY? Why are you this greedy for this life and neglectful of the next?

For a moment, do you even contemplate at the very words that the Muadhin says as he calls the adhan?

Dear, why do you treat the call of prayer as something just like a music that plays randomly in your playlist? Or no, actually, the songs on the playlists are listened to more thoroughly than the adhan? Right?

You like to listen to music than listening to the athan, just like how you fall for the words of people like they are truly meant than to the words of Allaah Azza Wa Jall which bears nothing but the Truth. Astagfirullah.

Why do you not pray? Why do you not pray? Why do you not pray?

MY DEAR, you are still alive, you are still breathing, you are still able to stand, so what is stopping you from praying?
So when the adhan is called again this time, ask yourself,
will i answer the call of Allaah Azza Wa Jall? 


and we pray that Allaah Azza Wa Jall mends all our broken hearts and enlighten it through His Love, Guidance and Mercy and make our heart attached to our salah.






Stärka ens tro!

Ever felt like you’re having an Iman dip? That after being a very active, productive Muslim – praying on time, reading Qur’an frequently, always looking forward to doing good deeds – you are becoming lazy and that your enthusiasm to perform the same way is fading?

I’ve felt like that so many times. Life is full of ups and downs, and the downs are sometimes powerful enough to distract us and lower our enthusiasm. Yet, there are easy solutions that can help us get over an Iman low. Here are some tips that can help you refresh your Iman in sha Allah:


1) Have the will to start again

Of course you’ve heard of the saying: where there is a will, there is a way. As cliché as it sounds, the reality is: nothing will change unless you decide to take action. It all starts within you: if you want to be active, you will be active and nothing will stop you in sha Allah. Just take the decision not to surrender to your desires, make du’aa to Allah to help you stick to your decision and watch how everything will go as you wish and even better, in sha Allah!


2) Do not neglect your salah

Whatever happens, even if you pray it with wavering concentration, do not stop praying; especially salatul Fajr and Isha. Abu Hurairah (may Allāh be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said:

“No prayer is more burdensome to the hypocrites than the Fajr (dawn) prayer and the ‘Isha’ (night) prayer; and if they knew their merits, they would come to them even if they had to crawl to do so.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Nobody wants to be like those described as hypocrites. Remember, you are good and you’re just trying to get back to what you used to be. It’s alright to take a break from other productive activities once in a while to renew your enthusiasm, but take care to guard your compulsory obligations. Never let them slip!


3) Randomly open the Qur’an and see what Allah (glorified and exalted be He) wants to tell you

The Qur’an is the nourishment of every person’s soul, the light of the heart and guidance to the straight path.

Allah (glorified and exalted be He) says:

“Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most suitable.” [Qur’an: Chapter 17, Verse 9]

Whenever you feel like you are losing your energy and that your performance is starting to drop, quickly turn to the Qur’an and you will always find a way out. The Qur’an explains what a person can do to recharge one’s Iman. Whenever you open the Qur’an: recite at least one verse of it, and look for help in that verse because there is guidance in every verse of the Qur’an.


4) Talk to a religious and knowledgeable person

Allah (glorified and exalted be He) has said:

“Say: “If the sea were ink for [writing] the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even if We brought the like of it as a supplement”.” [Qur’an: Chapter 18, Verse 109]

Allah’s knowledge is limitless as He (glorified and exalted be He) has explained in this example; that if the water of the seas was ink for the words of Allah (glorified and exalted be He), the seas would be all used up before the words of Allah (glorified and exalted be He) ends. Sometimes in our lives we wish to find that one word of advice in the Qur’an or Sunnah that can increase our Iman but we aren’t able to find it; probably because we’re still young or not knowledgeable enough. Speaking to a religious, knowledgeable person and seeking his/her help can act as a shortcut to what can take us a lot of time to reach. It will definitely help you know exactly what you need to so as to lift up your spirits again.


5) Fast on a random day and do good on it

Unlike any other way of worshiping Allah (glorified and exalted be He), fasting usually gives a special feeling of purity to the soul. Most Muslims fast in the month of Ramadan and when it ends they keep waiting for the month to come again, missing that exceptional feeling that it gives.

Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah bin Abi Yaqub said: “Raja bin Haiwah narrated that Abu Umamah said: ‘I came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “Tell me of something that I may take (learn) from you.” He said: “Take to fasting, for there is nothing like it.”‘’ [An-Nasa’i]

Fasting is a great Iman booster especially if you accompany it with doing good to others. Try to be there for people who may be ‘secretly’ asking Allah for your existence, give hope to those who lost it, and smile in those faces that carry grief. When you fast and you get exhausted from helping others that day, the feeling of satisfaction you feel at that moment is indescribable! Try it and feel it yourself!


6) Visualize and read about Paradise

Visualize the reward in the next life for holding on to your faith in this life: imagine Paradise. Imagine its beautiful rivers and palaces, imagine meeting the Prophets and the great Muslims of our past, imagine meeting righteous loved ones who have passed away, imagine never falling ill, never having to struggle or pay for anything, imagine how beautiful you will look, in sha Allah!

Talking about Paradise, Abu Huraira narrates the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said:

“Allah said: “I have prepared for My righteous slaves (such excellent things) as no eye has ever seen, nor an ear has ever heard nor a human heart can ever think of.” [Bukhari]

Isn’t this wonderful promise of Allah a great motivation to bring back your enthusiasm to keep working and doing more?!


Ultimately, remember that Iman lows are very normal and are bound to happen every now and then. But, having read through the above tips, you know they’re easy to deal with. The most important thing is to sincerely have the will to change and to not settle for how you became.

This is not a comprehensive list of tips. I’d love to know if you have any Iman boosters that help you get back on track – share them with us all through a comment below!

källa: http://productivemuslim.com/recharge-your-iman/

al falaq

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