Today Is a New Day...


Look, i know that being consistent on your salah is but a struggle, because like you, i face that too.

'O my dear Indeed, it is a struggle, but more than a struggle, it is an honor which is given only to us, Muslims. Subhan'Allaah.

Imagine, amongst the millions of His Creations, He handpicked you of becoming Muslim, of Honoring you of such Blessing from Him, yet do you recognize and heartily accept this Honor? do you even give it a little importance in your lfe?

If you truly accept this, like how it is popping to your mind now, then ask yourself, how do i easily react at such question yet not easily react to this Honor? Then have a moment of silence….then ask yourself again, why do i not pray?

Here i will not quote such beautiful words from our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassalaam, because nowadays, we just hear and forget, read and not reflect, such beautiful wisdom and sayings from the beloved Lips of the Most Beloved One to Allaah Azza Wa Jall, we just hear it, like it enters the right ear then exits on the left. Astagfirullah.

My dear brother and sister in Islam, have you ever felt that sweetness and strength you get after you have “sincerely” offered the Fajr Salah? When you yourself know that you have answered His Call? Do you for a second think that when you have answered His Call, your du’as will not be answered?

But have you also ever felt that heaviness in your heart each time you have missed a salah? That feeling as if you have hurt someone you love so much that no explanation can be given but just ask for forgiveness?

Have you ever been placed in such a situation that there seems no way out & everything seems so impossible? Such situations like failures upon failures, death of a beloved, calamities, lost of wealth, deteriorating health? My dear, can’t you see that at the very end of all these trials it is to Him that you plead to? And it is Him that makes your life at ease?

Or have you been placed in such a situation that every luxury item in this world is brought to you, yet you do not find happiness in your heart? That this gluttonous heart of yours had taken for granted that importance of family, companionship and have caused you to go up in the social industry but drown in your own private life, then who do you plead to for ease and comfort? Is it not to Allaah Azza Wa Jall?

The problem is, you only find Him at times of trials, tribulations, failures all the negative things that happened & happens to your life. Yet you forget about Him in times when success are piling up in your life, that luxury and fame are just a step away? WHY? Why are you this greedy for this life and neglectful of the next?

For a moment, do you even contemplate at the very words that the Muadhin says as he calls the adhan?

Dear, why do you treat the call of prayer as something just like a music that plays randomly in your playlist? Or no, actually, the songs on the playlists are listened to more thoroughly than the adhan? Right?

You like to listen to music than listening to the athan, just like how you fall for the words of people like they are truly meant than to the words of Allaah Azza Wa Jall which bears nothing but the Truth. Astagfirullah.

Why do you not pray? Why do you not pray? Why do you not pray?

MY DEAR, you are still alive, you are still breathing, you are still able to stand, so what is stopping you from praying?
So when the adhan is called again this time, ask yourself,
will i answer the call of Allaah Azza Wa Jall? 


and we pray that Allaah Azza Wa Jall mends all our broken hearts and enlighten it through His Love, Guidance and Mercy and make our heart attached to our salah.




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